Where are you located?
Los Angeles.

How quickly will you ship my order?
Usually ship orders out within 2-6 business days, can take up to 10 business days to ship. This whole operation from design, production and to logistics, is performed by one dude. I will try my best to ship much, much faster than that.

What shipping method do you use?
All domestic shipping is via USPS. Shipping methods are subject to change.

How much is shipping?
Domestic shipping is less than $5 - $7 for most items.
International shipping will be expensive. Sorry.
Shipping prices are subject to change.

What about returns and exchanges?
We don't currently offer refunds, but we are more than happy to make an exchange for a different item. Please don't wear the tees out to the gym and get em stinky and then decide to exchange them!

Feel free to email us with any questions: info@lvsrboxing.com